On the Transfers screen, you can view different graphs, the list of transfers made by entity with the ability to choose the needed fields, and the footer with totals monitored daily and monthly. In the drop-down box on the left, the percentages of transfers made during the last hour are shown. There are different tabs that display various types of analytical graphs. In the Scope and Type tab, all transfers corresponding to the last hour, or those covered by the date and time range of an applied filter, are shown. Distinguished in a donut-type pie chart + colored percentage lines, the transfers by Type and Scope that the entity had in the last hour are displayed. All graphs and lists are cleaned hourly, constantly updating.

In the Responses tab, other types of graphs are displayed, such as the 2D graph, the 3D graph, and the Violin graph. Depending on the boxes checked in Actions, the corresponding color lines will show the hour and the quantity of the transfers covered in it. You can check one or all the boxes together. The boxes are: transfers that have resulted in Account Lock, Rejected transfers, Approved transfers that request 2FA, and simple Approved transfers. The 2D graph is a statistical graph that indicates peaks of transfer movement on an Hour and Quantity scale.

The 3D graph is a scatter plot that allows visual movement in multiple directions. Each transfer is graphed in small colored circles according to the Actions boxes checked. The Actions that can be checked to view are: Account Lock, Rejection, 2FA, and Approved. It is in Days, Hours, and Quantity.

There are two buttons for this 3D graph: the button to download the graph in .png and the button to open the graph and be able to move it with the mouse to the desired position.

The Violin graph is another type of graph in which the analysis of the transfers is visualized differently. It shows ranges, intervals, densities, etc. The Actions that can be checked for this graph to analyze are: Account Lock, Rejection, 2FA, and Approved. It also has a button to download it in .png.

The Rules tab contains a bar graph that shows the Standard Rules that were activated with the transfers. It is designed by the number of transfers affected by any Rule and the names of those activated Standard Rules.

The Hits tab shows a donut-type pie chart + colorful percentage lines that indicate the percentages of transfers that have passed as Reliable Approved, Fraud Approved (Type 2 Error), Reliable Rejected (Type 1 Error), and Fraud Rejected. It also contains two boxes that show the Significance Level and the Power Level, colored green and/or red, as appropriate. The values of both levels are pre-configured in Entity Parameters. With these values, the two middle percentage lines are compared for proper analysis.

The graph on the right shows with numerical scale and percentage the transfers that have been Approved and Rejected. It also brings the Top 5 most activated restrictions among the transfers.

Below the graphs is the list of transfers. The transfers made during the last hour are shown, and then the list is cleared to show the transfers of the next hour. In this way, they are shown hour by hour. Past or old transfers can also be viewed by filtering by date and time. Searcher: To make inquiries about transfers based on any of their properties, press the Searcher button. By pressing it, magnifying glasses are activated on each property.

And to enable more properties, press the Fields to view button. A select will be displayed that will add each desired property. To enable a Property, the corresponding checkbox must be checked and then press the Save button.

If many or all properties are enabled, a scroll bar will appear on the screen to scroll sideways. When filtering by any property, the system shows in the list all transfers that match the search data. Searches can also be chained by combining one or more filters; in these cases, the system will show the transfer that meets all the requested filters, if it fails to meet any of these, nothing will be shown. In the Actions Property, there are three buttons. Two buttons are for viewing Results, and the third is for Marking. Marking is used to take a specific transfer and mark it as Fraudulent or Reliable. Marking either of these two options brings up a list of options to choose from. The choices of these options help in better understanding the marked transfer. Clicking on one or more of these options lights up the arrow that must be pressed to move it to the corresponding column (Yes Column - No Column). There is also a space to write a comment. Upon completing this modal, the Save button must be pressed.

The completed Mark will be seen in the list of transfers. The Mark Property must be enabled to see it reflected in the list.

You will also notice that the Mark button will change to the Description button, and pressing it will open the detail modal of what was marked in that transfer; it even allows you to continue adding comments in it.

Note: Transfers can be marked both for the current hour and day and for old transfers. Old transfers must first be filtered by Date and time. To remove the set filter, press the Reset search values button.

To the right of the Reset search values button is the button to download a .csv file. All the transfers that the entity had during the last hour are downloaded. And in cases where search values are being filtered, the .csv file will be downloaded bringing only the transfers that are shown on the screen. Footer: Below the list of transfers there are two boxes with total data. The first shows the day's response time in milliseconds. Two measures are observed: the Average and the highest range.

The second box shows: Number of transfers Monitored during the day, showing the Total number of them and breaking down the corresponding quantities of Internal, External, and Debin transfers executed during the day. Number of transfers Monitored in the month, breaking down the corresponding quantities of Internal, External, and Debin transfers executed during the month.